Saturday, March 16, 2013

A bit about me

I'm back. It's been a few days but since I'm just getting my feet wet, so what? Ok, I'm just about forty-eight years old. When I was a kid I thought that to be like Gandalf type ancient, but now, not so much. I've had a boatload of operations,. Cervical fusion that left me with a cool titanium plate screwed into my neck, but it still sucks. Two operations on my lower back, a partial joint (big screw) drilled into the base of my right big toe, my left big toe fused, bone spurs chipped off and the ulnar nerve moved on both elbows. Hmmm...that's about it except for my tonsils out at thirty-eight and my nose drilled out.

I'm not trying to have a pity party. Just the facts Ma'am says Joe Friday. I'm good. I train Brazilian Jiu Jitsu three or four times a week unless my body screams "NO". My wife and I actually own the school and a few of my best friends on this earth teach. I'm in the gym hauling weights around three days a week and getting some cardio in when I'm not too pooped. I keep my body fat pretty dog gone  low but I don't measure it or anything. So, no worries. There is a price to pay for what I do but as of now I'm willing to pay it.

My wife is beyond beautiful. She is also smart, funny and my best friend. I have four kids that rock. Boys nineteen and fifteen with two beautiful twin girls that are thirteen. All awesome Christian kids that make me proud daily.

That's it. That's me. I retire from the local Sheriff's Department in four years and I just want to stay healthy and teach Jiu Jitsu. I have a few stay healthy tips but I'll get to that another day. One last thing, a little precursor for nutrition tips. If you are overweight, put your stupid fork down. Later.

1 comment:

  1. Man, I put my fork down and now my fingers are all messy...

    And that stupid robot is asking me for proof that I'm human - and that might be harder than we all think.

    Glad to see the Blog up and running, Bro.
